Dario Mitidieri‘s portraits of syrian refugee family don’t cease to question the viewers. On the occasion of the festival Fotoleggendo, his photographs of Lost Family Portraits will be exhibited at the Istituto Superiore di Fotografia e Comunicazione Integrata in Rome.

Broken family
The reportage, which won Dario Mitidieri the World Press Photo in 2016, in People category, tells the tragedy of refugees of the syrian war by a well known image: a family portrait but a broken one, as the one of Kahwle, flew away with only three among his eight children, or as the family of Mohammed, who keeps his hand on the empty chair where his eldest son should have been seated, but got killed in their own house for a missile.
The project has been developed by Dario Mitidieri together with M&C Saatchi of London, for CAFOD, to give voice to a million and half syrian refugees, who find shelter in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. Published in a moment when both traditional and social medias were full of refugees stories, Dario Mitidieri proposed the simple yet shocking image of the broken families.

The exhibition opened on the occasion of Fotoleggendo, a festival who takes place in Roma with exhibitions and events about photography. Sudest57 and Dario Mitidieri contributed to enrich the program with the project of Lost Family Portraits.
The exhibition Lost Family Portraits will be open fro Ju. 13th to 22nd, at ISFCI, at via degli Ausoni 1 a Roma. For more information about entrances, please visit the website fotoleggendo.it